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28 novembre 2011

Freegans !

Freegans !
In classroom we have watched a video and this is what I say about it : This document is a TV report, preciely an early show on the CBS channel. He's talking about the Vegetarian Dumster Diving who means searching for food or foraging. There are two contributors...
20 novembre 2011

Voice recognition on elevator !

Voice recognition on elevator !
This video is a comical video called Burnistoun. There are two Scottish men in an elevator who try to get understood by a Voice Recognition system. But this system doesn't recognise their accent, more preciely " eleven ". So these men try to pronounce...
9 novembre 2011

Questions about the text.

The story is about Dr Alfred Richter: a millionaire; is reponsible for the death of fifty workers in the explosion of one his armamament factories. The Questions are: - What did the millionaire hear when he was sitting on his desk ? - Where does the conversation...
8 novembre 2011

Bloody Mary

Bloody Mary
In the 1600's, in a smal village in England, there lived a healer named Mary who lived in the forest. People in hte nearby town called her Bloody Mary because of her unusual healin methods and they said she was a witch. One cold and stormy night a young...
7 novembre 2011

Bicentennial man !

Mon film DAZIANO
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